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Proper store lighting increases sales.

According to research, retail sales increase by up to 10% after lighting renovations. This growth in sales has a reason.

Lighting and atmosphere in the store affect the buyer unconsciously.

80% of the information the human brain perceives with the help of vision.
Buying decisions are often based on emotions. The visitor does not even immediately understand what factors led him to action.

Quality light controls the mood of the visitor and his desire to make a purchase. It performs the following functions:

highlights products and makes them remarkable
defines the image of the store
creates an impression of the brand that the buyer will remember. It will prompt him to come back to the store
attracts the visitor by improving the look of the product
makes shopping enjoyable.

Simply bright lighting in the store is not enough. It must be properly designed and installed.

We have a professional approach to lighting and select it taking into account various factors.

What type of product is sold in the store

Light in a furniture store emphasizes the texture of upholstered furniture materials, wood facture, and pieces of decor .
And in the children's store - light creates a pleasant, joyful atmosphere, reminiscent of the holiday.

Warm light in a jewelry store enhances the beauty of gold products, but plays against silver, nickel and steel pieces. For them, it is better to use the backlight of cold shades.

How light is reflected

The direction of the light matters, whether the surfaces in the store will absorb or reflect light.

What are the dimensions of the store

High-ceilinged spaces, such as grocery stores, benefit more from bright vertical ambient lighting that fills a large space.

Weak main lighting is suitable for small shops where a combination of main, accent and special lighting solutions are used to make the retail space more attractive.

Write or call us if you decide to change the light in the store or just start to design it.